Holy Mass- Mike Bais

Christmas 2020 A.S.A. Apostolic Succession of Arimathea

This year we celebrated the Holy Mass in the Birth of Light on friday morning the 25th of December. Although the cosmic cycle of light is moving throughout the year, the Divine Light of the Christ was never born and therefore doesn’t move and shall never die. We remembered the Light of Christ that came into the world as a metaphor- for it is we that become awake to that Light instead of that Light be born within us. Nevertheless, Christmass is the reception of this fruit in our own womb (being), receiving it like a mother receives her child and conceive it within gratitude and wonder. When the Light is born we become filled with all the virtues of the Tree of Life. “The Light becomes the Word and the Word becomes Flesh” as was read this day in the Gosel of John (probably the most mystical of all four Canonical Gospels).
This means in esoteric symbolism, that the Light (God) does not only create the world(s) but also becomes the world(s). The body that you are living within is a creation (flesh) out of (and within) the Light of God.
The Word is the Logos or the Christ, Who is the Immanent Presence of God the Transcendent. The Word or Logos and the flesh are one and the same. The One Who creates is the One Who becomes.
The Light of God unfolds moment by moment…..now….now….now…. let us not speak of God in the past and future tense only, but more and more in the present.

Please check the website of circleofavalon.nl (A.S.A.) and the activities for the (on-line) Sacred Mass.

+Mike Bais, Utrecht (First Attending Priest)


Altar- Mike Bais

Since 2009 I have run my Kabbalah group within the Toledano tradition. This group has lasted until this day and grew out to a mature vessel in order that it may receive from the Higher worlds. The Kabbalistic work is to ‘bring Heaven to earth’ and this is what a soul group within Kabbalah should do. After all these years the group has become semi-international and has reached its capacity with the number of people that participate in it.
Because there are more people interested in Kabbalah and looking for a group of like-minded souls (school of the Soul), I have decided to initiate a second group on the tuesday evenings where we will start with the metaphysics of the two main diagrams of the Toledano Kabbalah tradition: the Tree of Life and Jacobs Ladder. The evenings will consist of the great invocation and meditation, evaluation about the interior journey or meditation, the teaching of that particluar day (Kabbalistic theme), questions & answers and possibly a Kabbalistic prayer or small ritual.
These evenings will be held in the Dutch language. There are still some places left at this moment. In this blog I will post the details of the dates from January until June 2021. I would like to emphasize that this initiative is not a course, but an ungoing Kabbalistic group. Beginners and people that are already on the way are very welcome.

This new group will also be dedicated to my teacher Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi.

Kabbalah Januari – Juni 2021

• Day: tuesday
• Time: 19.30 – 21.30
• Contribution: 50,- euro
• Address: Engelsmanplaat 14, 3524 AZ Utrecht
• Data: 12-01/26-01/09-02/23-02/09-03/23-03/ 06-04/20-04/04-05/18-05/01-06/15-06/29-06/13-07

Mike Bais

Kabbalah preparations

place of meetingAlmost three years ago, I have formed a group of Round Table companions. Knights and Ladies of Camelot who gather to meditate, perform rituals and study, discuss and learn from the great myth of the Round Table and the Grail. This initiative is part of the Circle of Avalon- a school of the soul that teaches three lineages: Toledano Kabbalah, Round Table mythology and the teachings of Christ (A.S.A.) Apostolic Succession of Arimathea. These are not separate by any means and blend effortlessly into each other during our meetings. Round Table gatherings were there for centuries, are here today all over the planet and will exist in the furture. This is because the metaphysical and archetypal wisdom and ideas are universal and timeless. The Round Table & the Grail romances are esoteric teachings for those who can discover the metaphor and deep symbolic references. These stories are all about the human being in the 21st century (and beyond). It was once said that a myth is ‘something that never happened but happens all the time’. To live a myth is to re-discover the intimate relationship with our inner wisdom that prevades the universe. The myth moves us from the inside-out, instructing us about the deep questions that concern us.
The Round Table will continue as the Great Work of transformation continues & the search for the Holy Grail or the Presence of God-

Mike Bais- Utrecht 2021

All companions have their place at the Table

Round Table


Let me share with you the sacred work of Tree-building or making a Kabbalistic Tree of Life or Jacobs ladder. It is easily said that something is ‘sacred’, using spiritual language that sounds very interesting. Yet, in this demanding and dedicated work of Tree-building, we generate a symbol from ourselves that litteraly comes out of Nothing (void on the canvas). This symbol is the Kabbalistic master glyph that expresses the Divine, Cosmos, psyche and physical realms or the worlds of Aziluth, Briah, Yezirah and Assiah. All these worlds and what they symbolize (Divinity, Archangels, Angels and the physical-natural worlds) flow out of your pencils and brushes. I have (again) experienced how it is the observing consciousness that is the ‘doer’ of the proces. We are moved by these inner works that are directed on physical objects. The worlds mentioned above become alive through us and find their way eventually in the manifested world of matter. God-Who-is becomes manifested and known through us.
This mystcal work of Tree-building is not just beautiful to do but brings an exceptional joy and peace from start to finish.
When the work of drawing, measuring, painting and sowing is done, the true work begins when applying the four worlds into my daily affairs again-

Grace to you all
Mike Bais- Utrecht 2020