School of the Soul
The individual on the spiritual path may come a long way. Beyond a certain point however, the path ahead becomes much more obscure. What lies ahead is the deep unknown or the adventure of the seeker. Help and assistance may be needed in order to persist and discern between what is required and what comes our way in life.
For the seeker, a teacher or someone who has gone the path before you, may serve as a great help on the way ahead, just like companions that thread the same path or tradition as you do.
A school of the soul is a gathering of souls that travel together and is designed to cross the unknown and move safely from the natural world into the realm of the Spirit.
Circle of Avalon offers this kind of support to the seeker through the rich traditions of the Kabbalah, the wisdom of the Round Table and the mystical teachings of Christ. Besides being a mode of training and movement, this school has a specific form or curriculum for the individual and the group to proceed on the spiritual path. Circle of Avalon is a composite vessel of wisdom that encompasses more than the sum of its knowledge or experience. This school of the soul does not only aid and support the individual towards the realms of spirit (heaven), but also encourages to bring those experiences back into one’s own life. To enter the higher worlds so we may bring “heaven to earth”.
Circle of Avalon as a school is aligned to old spiritual lineages, ancestors and teachers that nourish the inner life and wish to bring the current and next generation towards this wisdom, growing into the full potential of our spiritual nature.
Mike Bais, Utrecht -the Netherlands 2024
Toledano Kabbalah tradition
In Circle of Avalon we teach Toledano Kabbalah. Mike teaches his own groups for over 15 years now. There are two parallel Kabbalah groups that meet twice a month. On request workshops are given in Dutch and English in the Netherlands and abroad. The founder of Circle of Avalon, Mike Bais is the author of the book “a Kabbalistic view on science” published in 2019 and the second volume published in 2022, and has written many articles about this traditon. His forthcoming book “Paths on the Tree of Wisdom” will be published by Watkins (London) in February 2024! This is a beginners guide for the Kabbalah student who wishes to orientate themselves on this path and discover the different disciplines and lineages within the history of Kabbalah.
Kabbalah is the mystical work of unification. The soul’s place within the world is to realize the immanent presence of Divinity within oneself. What we experience as separated and broken, is unified and healed through the work of the Kabbalist. Through the diagrams of the Tree of Life and Jacobs ladder, the Kabbalist is taught how there are four worlds and many perspectives within the natural world and beyond. These diagrams are there to aid the Kabbalist in bringing ‘Heaven to earth’ and to serve humanity and all creation.
Kabbalah is universal and inclusive, offering a complete metaphysical system to the world.
Round Table
From this School of the Soul we work through the mythology of the Round Table & the Grail, also called the Arthuriad.
A myth is “something that never happens but happens all the time”. This saying tells us that the wisdom of mythology is not based upon history, but rests upon deep metaphysical knowledge that is transmitted to us through tales and stories…. the story of Humanity.
Inner work based upon living this mythology brings us to a transformation of ourselves, it invites us towards unity, integration and healing.
Through the archetypes of the Round Table, the seeker on this path is challenged to move within, and discover the rich dimensions of the soul. The adventures of the soul are represented by the different Knights & Ladies of the Round Table, who all have their own story to tell according their archetypal structure and personality.
The seeker on the path will find that each of them teach us something about pour own path and Quest.
Circle of Avalon brings this myth to the human being within the 21st century in order to transmit and teach those who wish to receive this wisdom.
There is a Round Table group of companions that meet in Circle of Avalon in the Netherlands and we gather every year in Albion (UK).
Besides, we teach individuals or visit groups who wish to work with this mythological lineage.
Mike Bais is currently writing his new book ‘Kabbalah and the Round Table & the Grail legend’ (2024)
A.S.A. -Apostolic Succession of Arimathea
The A.S.A. (Apostolic Succession of Arimathea) is the Way of Christ as followed by Joseph of Arimathea and the other disciples who decided to bring the sacred teachings directly to the soul.This all according the legend & teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. This is not another lineage within orthodox Christianity, but a lineage in itself that has developed its own liturgy and rituals (sacraments) according the Teachings of Christ.
We preserve and transmit the universal and ageless wisdom of Christ in a non-dogmatic way. Like the other streams within Circle of Avalon, the A.S.A. provides a body of knowledge and teachings for all people and all times & places. We perform the work of Christ through the sacraments, ordinations, practices and curriculum of the A.S.A. which is to bring the human soul back Home, or to bring the soul back to the Source (the One- Who- is- openness).
There are Eucharist services in the Netherlands (and occasionally in the UK) every other Sunday where all are most welcome to join and participate.
We follow our own liturgical calendar, where we give attention to special days in the year.
For those who wish more than to attend the services, there is the possibility to train and serve as a priest (male or female) in this tradition.
+ First attending Priest- Mike Bais
About Mike Bais
Circle of Avalon is founded by Mike Bais
His esoteric training comes from the Western Esoteric Tradition and the Toledano Kabbalah. Living in the Netherlands (Utrecht) he extensively worked with esoteric teachers and groups in the UK. His professional background is working as a physiotherapist, counselor, teacher in university and he had his own practice for many years. He is a trained priest and bishop in the mystical tradition of Christ, which is known as the lineage called the A.S.A.
He beliefs that the Teachings of Christ are universal and should not be limited to a religious structure.
The fascination of the Kabbalah drew him towards the Toledano tradition the works of Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi. Mike still teaches in honor of this founder of the Toledano Tradition.
The mythology of the Round Table & the Grail are always inspirations for the personal journey and quest. The old poems and stories of the Grail are alive today as they ever were, but what we do in esoteric work, is to see the spiritual value in them and explain them through metaphor and analogy. In this way, the wisdom of the stories and poems becomes a personal narrative with clear spiritual instructions.
After some decades of study and practice in the Western Esoteric Tradition, the inner work came together in these three streams or disciplines that make up Circle of Avalon.
All these streams are lineages that belong to one source and are connected through their history, mythology and metaphysics.
Mike sees it as his current work to teach these traditions to whomever wishes to receive them. He is a mystic and teacher by nature and through his groups, individual sessions, workshops and writing, transmits them in the most pure and true way he knows.
Books & Manuscripts written by Mike Bais
In these two books, (Toledano) Kabbalah and science are brought together in a revolutionary development, which sheds a different light on what we think of as spirit,
soul, matter, DNA and hereditary factors. Kabbalah and science speak a different language, yet refer to the same experience and reality as you will read in these books.
These books are almost written like a story and are therefore accessible, while each paragraph contains metaphysical knowledge and information like a textbook.
The reader is invited to participate and engage in the knowledge through accompanying meditations and exercises.
The scientific topics covered in the first volume, are (micro)biology and Quantum physics. The Toledano Kabbalah with the Tree of Life and Jacobs Ladder provide us
metaphysical wisdom in order to understand these scientific disciplines and integrate them within our own experience.
Part one was released in 2019 and can be purchased online basically everywhere.
A Kabbalistic view on Science part 2 was released in May 2022 and covers psycho-biology, Quantum physics and Neuro-plasticity. The book contains many meditations
and exercises for the reader and has more than 20 diagrams and pictures to explain and clarify the theory.
‘A Kabbalistic view on science’ part 1 and 2 are for sale through most international booksellers or you can order them through this website by sending an email to
Published by Circle of Avalon books-
My latest book “Paths on the Tree of Wisdom” was published on the 13th of February 2024. Written by me (Mike Bais) and published by Watkins Books, this is a
brand new beginners guide, which is suitable for the advanced student of Kabbalah as well!
Watkins asked me to write a curriculum or course for anyone who is interested in Kabbalah and could have a good understanding about Kabbalah after studying this
book, and make a descent start on this mystical path.
I have thoroughly explained the key diagram of the Tree of Life with all the ten Sefiroth in great detail. There is a good balance between theory and practice and each
chapter has at least one meditation or exercise.
For sale at Watkins shop or online, and at countless online sellers all over the planet. Also available as E-book and Audio-book!
Another book I have been working on for many years, is the liturgy book of the A.S.A. (Apostolic Succession of Arimathea) in which I have bundled all the rites and
sacraments of the Teachings of Christ in these specific sacramental forms. Many different variations on the Holy Mass, sacred rites of consecration, and even de rites
of ordination are being described and documented in this book. I did not write it for the public in the first place, but specifically for those who work with the A.S.A. teachings.
Because of the self-publication in April 2024 through Circle of Avalon books, this manuscript is also available worldwide in a hardback cover edition.
NEW: since the 20th of November 2024 the release and publication of the Spanish translation of my first book “A Kabbalistic view on science part1” has been realized. The title in Spanish is called “Una visión Kabbalística de la ciencia” (part1) and will be for sale from the end of November 2024 online!
Published by Circle of Avalon books-
Past & Present
Courses & Seminars
Workshop Corpus Hermeticum zondag 18 mei 2025
10.00 – 17.00 (inclusief lunch in Samaya)
Kosten: 120,- per persoon (samen te boeken met de dag over Ascelpius op 14 september met korting van 10 euro per lesdag) Minimaal 2 weken van tevoren boeken en cursus vergoeding te voldoen.
Het Corpus Hermeticum is een verzameling Griekse en Egyptische geschriften ook wel bekend onder het ‘Hermetische Corpus’.
Het is een verzameling van zeventien esoterische traktaten die word toegeschreven aan de legendarische Hermes Trismegistus. In de traktaten wordt oude wijsheid geopenbaard en doorgegeven door een god, Hermes aan zijn volgelingen. Deze wijsheid of Gnosis is een uiteenzetting van diepe religieuze, mystieke en filosofische denkbeelden en concepten.
In deze workshop gaan we theoretisch en praktisch door dit eeuwen oude boek heen werken. Het is zoals beschreven in het Corpus een dialoog tussen leraar en leerling en daarom is er voortdurend ruimte voor vragen en interactie. Theoretisch zal de stof ondersteunt worden door beelden en symbolen via een Powerpoint presentatie. Het praktische deel ervaart de cursist door meditatie, oefeningen en eenvoudig ritueel.
Tutor: Mike Bais
Instap niveau: beginner en gevorderde
Contact & inschrijven: Mike Bais 06 51668620 of
Bedrag te voldoen uiterlijk 2 weken voor aanvang workshop op rekeningnummer NL92 ABNA 0471062332 o.n.v. Corpus Hermeticum en uw eigen naam.
Website: (zie: courses & seminars)
Courses & Seminars
Workshop Asclepius zondag 14 september 2025
10.00 – 17.00 (inclusief lunch in Samaya)
Kosten: 120,- per persoon (samen te boeken met de dag over het Corpus Hermeticum op 18 mei met korting van 10 euro per lesdag) Minimaal 2 weken van tevoren boeken en cursus vergoeding te voldoen.
De Asclepius is een hermetische tekst uit het Romeinse Egypte uit de oudheid die word toegeschreven aan Hermes Trismegistus, een legendarische en mysterieuze wijze. De Asclepius is een fascinerende en uitgebreide tekst binnen de hermetische literatuur samen met het Corpus Hermeticum. Het doel van de Asclepius is om gnosis, goddelijke kennis, te verkrijgen en zo heling en verlossing te vinden.
In deze workshop gaan we theoretisch en praktisch door dit eeuwen oude boek heen werken. Het boek Ascelpius nodigt uit tot een dialoog en een directe ervaring van de materie. Er is ruimte voor vragen en interactie. Theoretisch zal de stof ondersteunt worden door beelden en symbolen via een Powerpoint presentatie. Het praktische deel ervaart de cursist door meditatie, oefeningen en eenvoudig ritueel.
Tutor: Mike Bais
Instap niveau: beginner en gevorderde
Contact & inschrijven: Mike Bais 06 51668620 of
Bedrag te voldoen uiterlijk 2 weken voor aanvang workshop op rekeningnummer NL92 ABNA 0471062332 o.n.v. Asclepius en uw eigen naam.
International retreat October 2024!
Retreat Western Esoteric Tradition
Sunday 27th October – Thursday 31st October 2024
Location: Austrian Alps, Filzmoos, region Salzburg (private house)
Including: bed & board (self-catered) and the daily sessions
6 bedrooms available, 5 ensuite, shared toilets. Places are limited and therefore we have some bedrooms at the neighbors next door who run a B&B if necessary. A shared bedroom is 10 euro’s per night (p.p.) cheaper than a single room. Prices per room (p.p.) are the same in both houses.
Costs: 750,- euro’s pp which includes bed & board, the teaching/ retreat and final cleaning (excl. the travelling costs). Please note that we will work as a team to make sure we will prepare the meals, teas & coffee and set tables etc.
Deposit payment: 150 per person
Tutor and guide: Mike Bais
This retreat is based on the esoteric teachings of the West also known as the Western Esoteric Tradition. My School of the Soul, called the Circle of Avalon has three important spiritual disciplines within its curriculum: Toledano Kabbalah, Round Table & Grail mythology, and the mystical teachings of Christ (A.S.A. Apostolic Succession of Arimathea). The full four day program will cover all these topics in a syncretic and harmonious way, weaving them into a refined curriculum of theory and practice.
Each day there will be lectures with enough space for Q&A and interaction, accompanied by meditations, practices and ritual. The metaphysical material will be supported by Powerpoint presentations, hand-outs, the use of the Tree of Life and many other things. The daily program is an intense curriculum that deepens the inner work for all participants; each in its own way.
There will be enough space for socializing, enjoying nature which is all around us, and to have some private time. Filzmoos is a small and quiet village situated in the Austrian Alps amidst the Halsted culture; the ancient Celtic culture around the salt mines and lakes of this province.
Many myths and legends are still present in this area: the “Schwarze Lacke” or the Black Lake, the Dachstein Gletscher or “Irgrim Birg” (the mountain of Irgrim), stone circles and many more.
The house named “Camelot” lies a hundred meters (110 yards) on the mountain, with a walking path into the woods just beside it and a mountain stream coming down. The view from the house is directed on the southern part of the Alps.
Sunday 27th Arrival between 14.00 until 16.00
-Evening meal and first introduction session
Monday 28th – Wednesday 30st October
-07.30 half hour morning meditation
-08.30 breakfast
-09.30 – 11.00 Kabbalah
-11.00 – 11.30 Coffee/ tea break
-11.30 – 13.00 Round Table & the Grail
-13.00 – 15.00 Lunch and break
-15.00 – 16.30 Teachings of the A.S.A. (Apostolic Succession of
-16.30 – 17.30 free time and preparation diner
– 18.00 – Diner
– 19.30 – 20.00 meditation
Thursday 31st of October
08.30 Morning meditation & Breakfast
10.00 departure
For more information:
Round Table workshop March 2025 UK
“The Quest for the Sacred Chalice”
Saturday 15th of March 2025 from 10am – 5pm
At Chapel Cottage, Meeth, Okehampton
Devon, EX20 3QN, UK
Workshop tutor: Mike Bais
Bookings: ( Places are limited so book at least 2 months before the 15th of March! Payment in cash on the day of the workshop.
There is a light (vegetarian) lunch for all participants. Tea & coffee included.
Please contact me for any questions about this workshop.
Costs: 75 Pounds PP
Through theory, stories, practical work like meditations and ritual, we will explore the Round Table myth and the Grail Quest.
This workshop is all about direct experience and spiritual development. You will gain more knowledge about the myth itself, but always with the accompanying
experience through the application of it.
We will draw “Sword from Stone”, receive the Queen and the Round Table, meditate on the Grail Guide and make a Coat of Arms.
Bring an open mind, courage for the adventure and a sense of humor!
Kabbalah workshop “The Ohel Moed” or Tent of Meeting (Shekinah) 20 March 2025, Glastonbury, UK
Kabbalah workshop: The OHEL MOED or the Tent of Meeting (Tent of the Shekinah)
Goddess Temple, the Avalon Room, the Courtyard, 2-4 High Street, Glastonbury BA6 9DU, UK
Thursday 20th of March 2025
Door open at 5.30pm. Start at 05.45 until 09.30 pm
A fee of 20 Pounds pp to be paid at the door please
Tutor: Mike Bais
In this evening workshop we will explore through theory and practice, the ancient metaphysical and Kabbalistic idea of the Ohel Moed or Tent of the Shekinah,
based on Solomons temple and the Ark of the Covenant. Mike will take you through some powerful meditations, building up the temple or tent of meeting within ourselves.
This gradual construction is based on the Tree of Life. Everyone can join this workshop, but some knowledge about Kabbalah is recommended.
There is enough room for questions and answers.
This workshop is for beginners and also for those who are well on their way on the path of Kabbalah.
Please book a place by email at least a few weeks prior to the event. Limited places!
Contact: Mike Bais
Holy Mass in the Magdalena Chapel, Glastonbury 19th of March 2025
Holy Mass Wednesday 19th March 2025
07.30 PM in the St. Margaret’s Chapel in Glastonbury
Mystical Mass including the Gospel of Mary Magdalena performed by priest-bishop +Mike Bais and other clergy of the A.S.A. (Apostolic Succession of Arimathea)
a lineage from the esoteric Christian tradition. A co-celebration in the light of the Teachings of Yeheshua and Mary Magdalena.
All are welcome, but places are limited. Please let us know if you would like to join us (contact me through email) book a place in advance!
Entree free, but we would appreciate a little contribution for the costs of the chapel (to be paid at the door).
Ritual of the Mass from 07.30 – 08.30 pm. The door is open from 07.15 pm!
Hope to see you there
This liturgy is based upon the Apostolic Succession of Arimathea (A.S.A) and the liturgy of the Teachings of Christ, transmitted by His disciples like Mary Magdalena.
Contact: Mike Bais (
Courses & Seminars
Workshop: Ronde Tafel & de Heilige Graal (Dutch)
Zaterdag 19 oktober 2024 in conferentiecentrum Samaya, Werkhoven van 09.30 – 17.00
De Mythes van de Ronde Tafel en de graal zijn niet enkel legendarische en folkloristische verhalen, maar zijn spirituele (metafysische) lessen over het leven van de mens en de reis van de ziel.
Op deze dag volgen we de ziel en gaan we deze Quest of innerlijke reis aan. Via de verhalen wordt je meegenomen naar de innerlijke en vaak verscholen dieptes van de ziel. Door de afwisseling van meditaties, visualisaties en simpele rituelen, ervaar je direct op welke wijze de mythe betrekking heeft op jouw leven.
Denk hierbij aan hoe je “zwaard uit steen trekt”, een van de Ronde Tafel ridders of dames bent, een schild maakt welke je Quest symboliseert, wat jouw Graal is…en nog veel meer. Een unieke reis begeleid door Kabbalist, Mike Bais die al ruim 10 jaar (inter)-nationale cursussen geeft over de Ronde Tafel.
Inschrijven of meer informatie:
Prijs: 115,- voor de gehele dag incl koffie, thee en lunch.
Graag te voldoen minimaal 1 maand voor aanvang op NL92 ABNA 0471062332 onv M Bais. (geef aub uw naam door bij de overschrjiving)
Website: (zie: courses & seminars)
International retreat October 2024!
Retreat Western Esoteric Tradition
Sunday 27th October – Thursday 31st October 2024
Location: Austrian Alps, Filzmoos, region Salzburg (private house)
Including: bed & board (self-catered) and the daily sessions
6 bedrooms available, 5 ensuite, shared toilets. Places are limited and therefore we have some bedrooms at the neighbors next door who run a B&B if necessary. A shared bedroom is 10 euro’s per night (p.p.) cheaper than a single room. Prices per room (p.p.) are the same in both houses.
Costs: 750,- euro’s pp which includes bed & board, the teaching/ retreat and final cleaning (excl. the travelling costs). Please note that we will work as a team to make sure we will prepare the meals, teas & coffee and set tables etc.
Deposit payment: 150 per person
Tutor and guide: Mike Bais
This retreat is based on the esoteric teachings of the West also known as the Western Esoteric Tradition. My School of the Soul, called the Circle of Avalon has three important spiritual disciplines within its curriculum: Toledano Kabbalah, Round Table & Grail mythology, and the mystical teachings of Christ (A.S.A. Apostolic Succession of Arimathea). The full four day program will cover all these topics in a syncretic and harmonious way, weaving them into a refined curriculum of theory and practice.
Each day there will be lectures with enough space for Q&A and interaction, accompanied by meditations, practices and ritual. The metaphysical material will be supported by Powerpoint presentations, hand-outs, the use of the Tree of Life and many other things. The daily program is an intense curriculum that deepens the inner work for all participants; each in its own way.
There will be enough space for socializing, enjoying nature which is all around us, and to have some private time. Filzmoos is a small and quiet village situated in the Austrian Alps amidst the Halsted culture; the ancient Celtic culture around the salt mines and lakes of this province.
Many myths and legends are still present in this area: the “Schwarze Lacke” or the Black Lake, the Dachstein Gletscher or “Irgrim Birg” (the mountain of Irgrim), stone circles and many more.
The house named “Camelot” lies a hundred meters (110 yards) on the mountain, with a walking path into the woods just beside it and a mountain stream coming down. The view from the house is directed on the southern part of the Alps.
Sunday 27th Arrival between 14.00 until 16.00
-Evening meal and first introduction session
Monday 28th – Wednesday 30st October
-07.30 half hour morning meditation
-08.30 breakfast
-09.30 – 11.00 Kabbalah
-11.00 – 11.30 Coffee/ tea break
-11.30 – 13.00 Round Table & the Grail
-13.00 – 15.00 Lunch and break
-15.00 – 16.30 Teachings of the A.S.A. (Apostolic Succession of
-16.30 – 17.30 free time and preparation diner
– 18.00 – Diner
– 19.30 – 20.00 meditation
Thursday 31st of October
08.30 Morning meditation & Breakfast
10.00 departure
For more information:
Round Table workshop March 2025 UK
“The Quest for the Sacred Chalice”
Saturday 15th of March 2025 from 10am – 5pm
At Chapel Cottage, Meeth, Okehampton
Devon, EX20 3QN, UK
Workshop tutor: Mike Bais
Bookings: ( Places are limited so book at least 2 months before the 15th of March! Payment in cash on the day of the workshop.
There is a light (vegetarian) lunch for all participants. Tea & coffee included.
Please contact me for any questions about this workshop.
Costs: 75 Pounds PP
Through theory, stories, practical work like meditations and ritual, we will explore the Round Table myth and the Grail Quest.
This workshop is all about direct experience and spiritual development. You will gain more knowledge about the myth itself, but always with the accompanying
experience through the application of it.
We will draw “Sword from Stone”, receive the Queen and the Round Table, meditate on the Grail Guide and make a Coat of Arms.
Bring an open mind, courage for the adventure and a sense of humor!
Kabbalah workshop “The Ohel Moed” or Tent of Meeting (Shekinah) 20 March 2025, Glastonbury, UK
Kabbalah workshop: The OHEL MOED or the Tent of Meeting (Tent of the Shekinah)
Goddess Temple, the Avalon Room, the Courtyard, 2-4 High Street, Glastonbury BA6 9DU, UK
Thursday 20th of March 2025
Door open at 5.30pm. Start at 05.45 until 09.30 pm
A fee of 20 Pounds pp to be paid at the door please
Tutor: Mike Bais
In this evening workshop we will explore through theory and practice, the ancient metaphysical and Kabbalistic idea of the Ohel Moed or Tent of the Shekinah,
based on Solomons temple and the Ark of the Covenant. Mike will take you through some powerful meditations, building up the temple or tent of meeting within ourselves.
This gradual construction is based on the Tree of Life. Everyone can join this workshop, but some knowledge about Kabbalah is recommended.
There is enough room for questions and answers.
This workshop is for beginners and also for those who are well on their way on the path of Kabbalah.
Please book a place by email at least a few weeks prior to the event. Limited places!
Contact: Mike Bais
Holy Mass in the Magdalena Chapel, Glastonbury 19th of March 2025
Holy Mass Wednesday 19th March 2025
07.30 PM in the St. Margaret’s Chapel in Glastonbury
Mystical Mass including the Gospel of Mary Magdalena performed by priest-bishop +Mike Bais and other clergy of the A.S.A. (Apostolic Succession of Arimathea)
a lineage from the esoteric Christian tradition. A co-celebration in the light of the Teachings of Yeheshua and Mary Magdalena.
All are welcome, but places are limited. Please let us know if you would like to join us (contact me through email) book a place in advance!
Entree free, but we would appreciate a little contribution for the costs of the chapel (to be paid at the door).
Ritual of the Mass from 07.30 – 08.30 pm. The door is open from 07.15 pm!
Hope to see you there
This liturgy is based upon the Apostolic Succession of Arimathea (A.S.A) and the liturgy of the Teachings of Christ, transmitted by His disciples like Mary Magdalena.
Contact: Mike Bais (
Kabbalah Seminar (Dutch) 18 mei 2024 van 09.30 – 17.00 (Mystieke leer & traditie)
Kabbalah voor beginners en gevorderden!
Welkom bij deze dagcursus waarin je de metafysica of spirituele wijsheid van de Kabbalah gaat ontdekken en ervaren. Door de diagrammen van de Boom des Levens en Jacob’s Ladder leer je via theorie en praktijk (meditatie, oefening en kleine rituelen) over de Wijsheid der Kabbalah en daarmee over jezelf.
Er is ruimte voor vragen en interactie en daarmee verdieping van je persoonlijke leven en proces. Er wordt gebruik gemaakt van beeldmateriaal (Powerpoint), fysieke diagrammen en hand-outs. De dag is verdeeld in een aantal lesblokken met pauzes en een lunch. Inloop is vanaf 09.00. Aanvang om 09.30
Deze dag wordt verzorgt door Mike Bais, een (internationale) leraar in de Kabbalah en auteur van de boeken: “A Kabbalistic view on Science” part 1 (2019) en part 2 (2022) en zijn nieuwste boek “Paths on the Tree of Wisdom” welke aangeboden worden op deze dag (betaling a contant. Ieder boek kost 20,- euro). Hij is een officiële tutor binnen de Kabbalah Society (London) en geeft al ruim 12 jaar les aan zijn eigen groepen in Utrecht.
Neem gerust contact op met Mike indien je vragen hebt over de cursus. Inschrijven via
Conference Centre Samaya
Hollendewagenweg 20, 3985 SG Werkhoven
Telephone: +31 (0) 343-552332
Website: (zie: courses & seminars)
Prijs inclusief per person: 110,- euro
Dit is de cursus inclusief koffie, thee, koekjes en een uitgebreide lunch
Te voldoen 2 weken voor de cursusdag op rekening NL92 ABNA 0471062332 op naam van Mike Bais (graag eigen naam vermelden aub!)
Hawkwood College Kabbalah Seminar 2024
Kabbalah Seminar 26-28th of April 2024
Hawkwood College, Stroud UK
In this course we will explore through theory and practice, the metaphysics of Kabbalah based upon the latest book written by Mike Bais and published through Watkins Books (London).
“Paths on the Tree of Wisdom” is the most up-to-date and comprehensive guide of the Kabbalah, within the Western mystical tradition. This is the first comprehensive book on the Kabbalah for twenty years. It will introduce this core mystical system to a new generation. This book is endorsed by some of
the major figures in the English esoteric tradition.
The Kabbalistic Tree of Life and Jacobs Ladder are the key diagrams of this book and the seminar at Hawkwood College. The course will be dynamic and interactive as we integrate theory and practice and perform accessible rituals & exercises for everyone to truly experience the way of Kabbalah. It will be a personal journey into ourselves, which the wisdom of Kabbalah provides for us.
Those who participate on this course will receive the knowledge of the Tree of Life and the unique diagram of Jacob’s Ladder or the four worlds, authentic Kabbalistic practices and personal, spiritual experience.
At a Glance:
Obtain the wisdom of Kabbalah through direct teaching
Meditation and ritual as practical exercises
Growing self-knowledge through the Tree of Life and Jacob’s Ladder
A personal approach from facilitator to student in a peaceful environment
What You Will Gain:
Knowledge about Kabbalah: the Tree of Life and Jacob’s Ladder
Understanding about yourself and your purpose
A spiritual experience and the healing properties of Kabbalah
Practical application of the Kabbalah for everyday life
The Content of the Course
This Kabbalah seminar will combine theory (metaphysics) and practice (meditation, ritual and exercises) to come to direct knowledge and experience of ourselves, the world, the universe and the Transcendent.
The two key-diagrams of Kabbalah are the Tree of Life and Jacob’s Ladder, which will provide a structure and overview of the wisdom of Kabbalah. You will learn about Kabbalah in a playful way, walking the Tree of Life, using traditional breathing exercises, connecting with the angelic and archangelic worlds, finding what fate and destiny mean in your life. Through this you will discover different levels of consciousness and how to integrate and make them whole within you.
This course is suitable to newcomers to Kabbalah and to those with some existing knowledge.
There will be plenty of space for questions, interaction and reflection. You will receive hand-outs with diagrams of the Tree of Life and Jacobs Ladder during the course.
• For more information contact
• Subscription & booking:
Circle of Avalon
Mike Bais
Post address:
Engelsmanplaat 14
3524 AZ Utrecht- the Netherlands
Phone: 0031-651668620
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