About mbais
Teacher, Kabbalist, Mystic, Priest, Author, Counselor, Musician & founder Circle of Avalon.
Entries by mbais
Workshop Hero’s Journey
Quest of the Hero in daily life Facilitator: Mike Bais In this interactive course we will explore through theory and practice, the way of mythology. What are the messages of the myths and legends of the world? How can we apply the wisdom that is deeply present in these stories? These and many more questions […]
International Kabbalah course 2023
Inner guidance and healing through the teachings of Kabbalah Facilitator: Mike Bais In this course, through the application, study and meditation of the Kabbalah do we come to a greater understanding of these beautiful mysteries. This course aims to bring peace, clarity, insight, self-knowledge and healing. Whether you are a beginner or a more advanced […]
NEW BOOK RELEASE! ‘A Kabbalistic view on Science part2’
RELEASED 12TH OF MAY 2022! THE 2ND VOLUME OF ‘A KABBALISTIC VIEW ON SCIENCE! I proudly present to you my latest work, where I have written another volume about the Toledano Kabbalah tradition in relation to the scientific subjects of Bio-psychology, Quantum-physics and Neuroplasticity. The book is filled with many new discoveries within science and […]
Kabbalah and the Quest for the Grail
Course Kabbalah & the Quest for the Grail -Mon 29Aug to Tue 30Aug 2022 (Hawkwood College Stroud, UK) An experiential course Facilitator: Mike Bais In this course we will explore through theory and practice, the metaphysics of Kabbalah in relation to the rich inner mythology of the Round Table and the Quest for the Grail. […]
Kabbalah & the Way of Myth
In this residential workshop, the metaphysics of Kabbalah will meet the wisdom of mythology. They will cross fertilise each other as we work towards synthesis between this deep knowledge of the collective unconscious, and that of the Tree of Life and Jacobs Ladder. A dynamic course integrating theory and practice. Tap into the richness of […]